Practices & Professional Training
Each of our teams is led by at least one coach who holds a National US Soccer coaching license. In addition to weekly practices, all players receive professional training by the experienced staff of Stan Soccer Academy and some are selected for additional goalkeeper training.
Between practices, training and games your child will be immersed in the complete soccer experience as part of the Elmwood Park Crew Soccer Club.
Contact us to join as a player or coach.

Tournaments & Off-Season Activities
During holiday weekends and the off-season periods, teams may participate in various tournaments or leagues, both indoor and out.
We host our own indoor indoor league for our younger age groups during the winter, clinic sessions in the summer, and in the past we've hosted our own holiday tournaments at our home fields.
The summer also brings our End of Year Celebration where players receive awards and our club families enjoy a fun night out together.

Family Oriented Atmosphere
The club's board is composed of volunteers who dedicate their time to making the soccer experience in Elmwood Park as fun, safe and successful as possible. Parents are encouraged to assist and participate in all of our activities.
Club families unite for an outing to Red Bulls Arena each year to not only see an exciting MLS game, but also to have our players participate in on-field activities..
We look for any opportunity to have families involved and all are welcome to lend their time and talents. We believe that being part of the club means more than just showing up to games. A soccer club is nothing without its supportive volunteers and the Crew is what it is today because of our loyal family members.